Alongside the season of spring gradually making its way to all of us, we would like to couple this warm weather with a warm announcement. The Broadway Neighbourhood Centre's Gym facility is available for booking for our Rental Patrons!!! First off, we would like to say thank you to all our loyal patrons for being extremely patient. We truly appreciate you! We would also like to welcome Alec, our new rentals coordinator. He'll be helping you with all your rental inquiries.
With provincial guidelines allowing recreation centres to open up their doors, operate at a limited capacity, and adhering to strict protocol, our team has determined a re-entry date upon thoroughly taking all pandemic related guidelines)into consideration pertaining to our facility. The official re-opening date for The BNC gym rental space specifically is April 6th, 2021.

As a facility we are obligated to follow health and safety guidelines identified by the province to ensure the safety of everyone using the facility. This means that our GYM will only be allowing 25 individuals indoors in total. All other regular children/ youth programming will continue to operate remotely online for the time being until we determine full re-entry regulations for the facility as a whole.
The Broadway Neighbourhood Centre, like many other different agencies and businesses around the city, have been financially affected by lockdowns. As a result, we have increased our (rental) rates to:
$40 for the first hour
$35 for any additional hour
***If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Alec via email rentalsthebnc@gmail.com ***