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“I love being able to play basketball in the gym. I’m literally here so much, itf eels like my second home”

Connor, 15

Sport Programs in Inner City Neighbourhoods (SPIN)


When: Days and times vary

Ages: 6 – 17


SPIN is an initiative of Live SAFE, a crime prevention Policy developed by the City of Winnipeg as a long term and ongoing recreation strategy targeting inner-city children and youth. SPIN tackles some of the barriers that inner-city children face to participate in sport programming by providing transportation, financial, equipment, leadership and volunteer support. SPIN enables the children to participate and learn basic skill development, sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership and fair play in a non-competitive environment. This program is being led by the City of Winnipeg Community Services Department, in partnership with the General Council of Winnipeg Community Centres, Sport Manitoba, Tennis Manitoba and Tennis Canada, and host organizations.


SPIN Programs include soccer, volleyball, ping pong, baseball, hockey, dodge ball, basketball, indoor & Outdoor Hockey and skating on our outdoor rink.

(Sign up may be required for some of the activities listed)

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